New album
(too old to reply)
2010-08-13 21:25:43 UTC
Anyone still in here? From what I remember of this place it explodes into
life around new album time and then dies off again. I`m not terribly
impressed with TFF after a couple of listens...The Alchemist is a cool old
style galloper, Coming Home reminds me of a Bruce solo album ballad ( which
is a good thing! ) and When the Wild Winds Blow is excellent...but the rest
of it is leaving me a little cold so far. Most of the tracks seem a little
non descript...so far I look back at half the album and can`t even remember
what some of the songs go like! Hopefully it`s a grower, the best albums
often are...
2010-08-14 00:34:43 UTC
Post by Soze
Anyone still in here? From what I remember of this place it explodes into
life around new album time and then dies off again. I`m not terribly
impressed with TFF after a couple of listens...The Alchemist is a cool old
style galloper, Coming Home reminds me of a Bruce solo album ballad (
which is a good thing! ) and When the Wild Winds Blow is excellent...but
the rest of it is leaving me a little cold so far. Most of the tracks seem
a little non descript...so far I look back at half the album and can`t
even remember what some of the songs go like! Hopefully it`s a grower, the
best albums often are...
I won't have my copy for a few weeks yet...then I'll post what I think. :)
RICK scampiliano
2010-08-15 12:52:53 UTC
Post by Soze
Anyone still in here? From what I
remember of this place it explodes into
life around new album time and then dies
off again.
It would be nice to see a revival, but I doubt it will happen. Hopefully
I'm wrong though...
Post by Soze
I`m not terribly impressed with TFF after a
couple of listens...The Alchemist is a cool
old style galloper, Coming Home reminds
me of a Bruce solo album ballad ( which
is a good thing! ) and When the Wild
Winds Blow is excellent...but the rest of it
is leaving me a little cold so far.
I haven't heard it yet, but almost every review I've seen so far has
been good to great. I'm surprised you didn't mention Isle of Avalon,
that seems to be one of the unanimous stand out tracks, so I've read.
Another consensus opinion seems to be that the two weakest tracks are
El Dorado & the title track. They seem to always release these songs as
singles. I can't comment on the title track, but I can say that El
Dorado sounded pretty damn good live, so if that is the worst song on
the album, it should be great album.

Hopefully people will BUY the album Tuesday. I'm optimistic for a very
high chart position.
2010-08-15 21:52:49 UTC
Post by RICK scampiliano
Post by Soze
I`m not terribly impressed with TFF after a
couple of listens...The Alchemist is a cool
old style galloper, Coming Home reminds
me of a Bruce solo album ballad ( which
is a good thing! ) and When the Wild
Winds Blow is excellent...but the rest of it
is leaving me a little cold so far.
I haven't heard it yet, but almost every review I've seen so far has
been good to great. I'm surprised you didn't mention Isle of Avalon,
that seems to be one of the unanimous stand out tracks, so I've read.
After a couple of listens I honestly can`t say I even remember what the song
sounds like! I`ve put it aside for a bit, probably give it a couple of spins
on my next day off on wednesday.
Post by RICK scampiliano
Another consensus opinion seems to be that the two weakest tracks are
El Dorado & the title track. They seem to always release these songs as
singles. I can't comment on the title track, but I can say that El
Dorado sounded pretty damn good live, so if that is the worst song on
the album, it should be great album.
Yeah the first couple of tracks are the least of it. I wouldn`t say any of
it is bad, just much of it seems forgettable on early listens. As I said,
I`m hoping it`ll grow on me, often the albums I`m not impressed with early
on are the ones I love later.
Post by RICK scampiliano
Hopefully people will BUY the album Tuesday. I'm optimistic for a very
high chart position.
I pre-ordered it ages ago, Play posted it out on thursday. Once I know new
Maiden songs are out there to listen to I can`t restrain myself from
downloading them!
2010-08-16 07:55:09 UTC
Post by Soze
Post by RICK scampiliano
Post by Soze
I`m not terribly impressed with TFF after a
couple of listens...The Alchemist is a cool
old style galloper, Coming Home reminds
me of a Bruce solo album ballad ( which
is a good thing! ) and When the Wild
Winds Blow is excellent...but the rest of it
is leaving me a little cold so far.
I haven't heard it yet, but almost every review I've seen so far has
been good to great. I'm surprised you didn't mention Isle of Avalon,
that seems to be one of the unanimous stand out tracks, so I've read.
After a couple of listens I honestly can`t say I even remember what the song
sounds like! I`ve put it aside for a bit, probably give it a couple of spins
on my next day off on wednesday.
I got it today, on vinyl, CD version yet to arrive in the mail.

So far (The Talisman is just starting as I write this) I'm
underwhelmed. I'm often like that with a new album though.

My stereo speakers are a bit fucked,but even so a good song should
always transcend issues like partially screwed speakers or low quality

Overall I'm a bit concerned cos at least Maiden albums tend to hit me
more quickly - e.g. I knew pretty much straight away that Brave New
World and AMOLAD were winners. Equally I knew straight away that Dance
Of Dance was a patchy effort and that opinion never changed.

So I look forward to getting the CD version and getting a fairly high
quality rip onto my mp3 player.

I also hold out forlorn hope for another gig in New Zealand, but they
have only announced Australia and they played in NZ quite recently
(Feb 2009) so I can't see it happening. So off to Aussie I go.

I was quite interested in a recent setlist I saw, lots from BNW
onward, of the main set i.e. pre-encore only FOTD and Iron Maiden were
from before 2000 I think. I like it!

2010-08-16 08:15:05 UTC
Post by RICK scampiliano
Post by Soze
Anyone still in here? From what I
remember of this place it explodes into
life around new album time and then dies
off again.
It would be nice to see a revival, but I doubt it will happen. Hopefully
I'm wrong though...
I also doubt it will happen, but some of us are still around and watch
what comes through here... without having much to say, or perhaps more
to the point just not the inclination to be bothered typing it, heh

In these days of trillions of web pages, facebook, and twitter,
everyone pretty much knows what is going on and gets any news really

And maybe like me they just can't find the time and/or effort to post
longer messages to a forum like this... sad but true
2010-08-16 22:05:00 UTC
Soze <***@salsbury42.freeserve.co.uk> wrote:
: Anyone still in here? From what I remember of this place it explodes into
: life around new album time and then dies off again. I`m not terribly
: impressed with TFF after a couple of listens...The Alchemist is a cool old
: style galloper, Coming Home reminds me of a Bruce solo album ballad ( which
: is a good thing! ) and When the Wild Winds Blow is excellent...but the rest
: of it is leaving me a little cold so far. Most of the tracks seem a little
: non descript...so far I look back at half the album and can`t even remember
: what some of the songs go like! Hopefully it`s a grower, the best albums
: often are...

Bought it today, gave it couple of spins. Most albums grow on me slowly so
it is way too early to say but few observations...

-only heard first two tracks (minus intro) before buying. So far I like them
more than the openers of the last two albums, but that's not saying much.

-intro thing is kinda bizarre and I'm not sure I like it as it is, but nice
departure from usual. Reminds me of some Bruce albums.

-Bruce struggles with some of the songs. This was noticeable on two previous
albums, but much more obvious here. I'm puzzled why they keep making songs which
would require 15 years younger Bruce for vocals...

-The Talisman kicked in on a first listen, which is very rare for me. Might
be I get bored of it quickly?? Hope not.

-Starblind feels also great, but the song really suffers from Bruce's strained voice...

-this album is a lot like the previous one, which I expected though. It feels bit more
'prog' though and has perhaps bit more variation than AMOLAD, which was quite even
album but suffered from sort of a monotony.

-anyway, it needs more listening but first try actually felt better than first
spin of DoD or AMOLAD, both of which needed quite bit of listening from me.
White Spirit
2010-08-17 12:35:52 UTC
Post by Yama
Bought it today, gave it couple of spins. Most albums grow on me slowly so
it is way too early to say but few observations...
I listened to it for the second time today and I really like the album.
Overall, it feels like a more solid release than the last two,
although I do like them very much. It's very atmospheric and I prefer
the mix to the last two as well, although all three of the last releases
could do with more dynamic range...
2010-08-17 12:40:19 UTC
White Spirit <***@homechoice.co.uk> wrote:
: although I do like them very much. It's very atmospheric and I prefer
: the mix to the last two as well, although all three of the last releases
: could do with more dynamic range...

Sure, but is this something they truly have control over? Would the execs really
accept '80s-like dynamic range and subsesquently very 'quiet' album? See (or hear)
what happened to latest Metallica album!
White Spirit
2010-08-17 14:06:10 UTC
Post by Yama
: although I do like them very much. It's very atmospheric and I prefer
: the mix to the last two as well, although all three of the last releases
: could do with more dynamic range...
Sure, but is this something they truly have control over? Would the execs really
accept '80s-like dynamic range and subsesquently very 'quiet' album? See (or hear)
what happened to latest Metallica album!
I don't know what control they have over mixing and mastering. I know
that one band insists on preserving as much dynamic range as possible
and the record company puts labels on their CD cases stating the same,
adding that listeners might want to turn the volume up on their stereo
to compensate. I forget the name of the band; they aren't a band that I
listen to.

The latest Metallica album is horrible in terms of how squashed it is.
It spoils an otherwise decent album. I know record companies are
concerned about competing with louder mixes but if the end result is
that it spoils the listener's enjoyment then it defeats the purpose.

I was going to get the new ultimate editions of Ultravox's first four
albums with Midge Ure but having heard how limited they are, I think I'm
going to buy the older versions on Ebay.
2010-08-19 21:46:07 UTC
Well, I've listened it pretty through. I like it, overall, quite much.
It is perhaps not as good as AMOLAD, and the best songs don't quite match best
of DoD, but it is overall same calibre. If you hated all reunion era Maiden
albums, you will hate this one too so you probably shouldn't bother.

I had really no expectations, I was thinking they'd make something like
AMOLAD except everything bit worse and the previews did nothing to dispel that.
The album is kinda curious in that first half are short-medium length songs and
second half is made of long epics. First I thought that it was weird and strange
way to structure the album, but perhaps it is the best way after all.

First half is quite frankly nothing special. There is no actively bad songs,
mind you, but all the songs sound like they are just a standard filler effort,
or that they'd need some extra work. Mother of Mercy is pretty good, Final Frontier
and El Dorado are OK, Coming Home too but it sounds too much like gazillion
Bruce-style semi-ballads (like Out of the Shadows) so I expect I get very quickly
bored of it. The Alchemist is, shall we say, rather inferior to similarly named
Bruce song. Intro thingie is a good idea, but goes on too long.

But then the epic half, and all five songs are at least good, and some of them are
awesome. The Man Who Would Be King is probably the weakest of the bunch and is still
an easy ***3/4, or perhaps straight four stars. And the rest are better.
When the Wild Wind Blows was hyped like crazy, and it is a great song allright, best
long Harris epic since Sign of the Cross. The Talisman is perhaps the best
song in the album, very reminiscent of Lord of Light or The Legacy, but better
than either.

Overall, the epics are somewhat more varied and less formulaic than those in
two previous albums. There are of course many slow intros, but they have reduced
the slow outros so you won't get as tired of them. They're also somewhat less
repetive. Overall, the tone of the album is more progressive and less heavy
and gloomy than its predecessors. It's closer to BNW in fact.

There are shortcomings. Bruce sounds strained in many parts. Some songs, especially
in the first half, sound like they needed some more work. Nicko's drumming is not
particularly inspired. Really, the whole thing sounds like a sort of a draft cut or
demo, which they then left as it is. Two more weeks in the studio would have made this
album a classic. Now it feels frustratingly incomplete at times. First half also
suffers from being too mid-paced, only faster song (The Alchemist) is also
the weakest.

There are, of course, no new Troopers or Evil That Men Do's on the album. But then,
Maiden hasn't made a new Evil That Men Do since, well, Evil That Men Do. Which was,
to really drive home the point, 22 years ago so get on with the program!

Despite everything, bottom line is that Final Frontier contains many damn good songs.
Which is what matters. It shows that Maiden are not creatively tapped out.
But they probably no longer have the necessary grit and will to really work out
everything to perfection.
White Spirit
2010-08-20 09:08:56 UTC
Post by Yama
Despite everything, bottom line is that Final Frontier contains many damn good songs.
Which is what matters. It shows that Maiden are not creatively tapped out.
But they probably no longer have the necessary grit and will to really work out
everything to perfection.
It's an excellent album, and I prefer it to AMOLAD. I'm not sure I
agree about more studio time improving the album; sometimes albums can
sound over-produced and I like a few rough edges.
