Post by scall5Maiden released "The Early Days" and then on "Live After Death" they had a
follow up to Early Days (part two). Is part three in progress? doesn't say.
I think the plan was to continue with them but I suspect it`s a couple of
years away. Steve Harris seems to be pretty hands on with the history DVDs
and the next plan is a new album and subsequent tour so I doubt he has the
time just yet. I`m curious as to how far along they`ll go with these years
DVDs...presumably the next will have Maiden England on it and revolve around
7th Son and No Prayer...I can`t possibly see a Blaze era DVD being very
marketable so I guess a part 4 will have a No Prayer gig on it with docs
surrounding Bruce`s decision to leave...and then some stuff on the Blaze
years tagged on.